Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

PEMILU 2014 (jangan Golput)

        Pesta demokrasi yang sebentar lagi akan dilaksanakan tepatnya tanggal 9 juli 2014 adalah ajang untuk masyarakat memilih langsung presiden dan wakil presidennya. Mungkin kita sudah sering mendengar setiap pemilu atau bahkan ajang pemilihan sejenisnya kita sering mendengar kata-kata GOLPUT. Yang di maksud oleh Golput pun adalah golongan putih, atau orang-orang yang bersikap netral dalam ajang pemilihan. Tapi tau kah anda disaat anda memilih untuk golput, sama saja anda membuang kesempatan untuk setidaknya membangun bangsa ini menjadi lebih baik. Mungkin kita sering mendengar kata-kata “ Cuma satu suara ini, ga berpengaruh kok buat pemilu”. Kata-kata tersebut adalah kata yang tidak pernah mengahargai kesempatan, satu suara pun dapat sangat menentukan masa depan bangsa ini kedepannya. Kita sebagai warga Negara yang baik harus ikut serta dalam pemlilihan presiden dan wakil presiden serta pemilihan yang lain sebagainya. Karena kita punya hak dan kewajiban untuk memilih dan membangun Negara kita tercinta. Walaupun tidak membangun secara langsung untuk saat ini cukup dengan dateng ketempat pemilihan dan menggunakan hak suara kita itu sudah cukup untuk membangun bangsa kita secara tidak langsung. Jadi jangan pernah berfikir untuk bersikap netral, karena saat kita membuang kesempatan untuk memilih maka kita membuang kesempatan untuk membantu bangsa ini untuk menjadi lebih baik. Jadi Golpul itu hanya dapat merugikan kan kita sebagai warga Negara maupun buat Negara kita ini. Karena  kita sama saja tidak ikut serta untuk memajukan Negara kita ini. Dan membuang hak memilih sebagai warga Negara. Jadi saat 9 juli nanti jangan lupa untuk memilih sesuai hati nurani sendiri. Dan datang ke tempat pemilihan suara masing-masing daerah. Ayo kita sukseskan pemilu kali ini.

Senin, 26 Mei 2014


                 Laziness is the biggest enemy in ourselves his deep feeling lazy will adore our ability in everyday activism . Already a lot of evidence that laziness can change the mindset of our example when we will face another test uts or maybe we will delay to study because it is caused by laziness or caused by too asiknya play . So that the result would not be perfect . Will you see who has been preparing for the exam , they will be getting the perfect result for the hard work he is doing .

Against laziness can be done with the form of priorities that we want to do in the day-to- day . Because he is currently too much work to do in the day-to- day but no priority in megerjakannya will menibulkan feeling lazy to megerjakannya . Try the one to always perform the daily activities that spared the excessive laziness moreover will impact negatively on us . Just imagine what we had to accomplish and what we want in our lives , make it as motivation to fight feeling lazy and make it into things you must accomplish . So do not ever be lazy and never easy to give up because of feeling lazy and easily give will make us into people who berfikti negative . Most importantly opponent feeling lazy and obtaining positive thinking .


                 The role of positive thinking is very, very important . Because when we always think positive automatically ourselves indirectly will create an atmosphere and the movement of highly helpers in everyday life . Already stout possible examples of people who failed to achieve anything because they always think negative . The impact of negative thinking is very bad Karen can affect our mindset funds do not make ourselves be able to thrive . Most successful people always think positive to always be the best and achieve their dreams. Conversely those who think negative he can not develop the ability to compete realize what he wanted . People who always think positive will say that he can get through all obstacles , while those who think negative will make the question of whether he could to get past obstacles . From a small sample can be concluded that the danger of thinking negatively and so intense when we think positive ,

                So for all of us do not even think negative because it will indirectly affect negatively our own natural self pda . We must think positive because it would create a whole keabikan and the confidence that we oakan be a great person . People are capable of great oaring mengedalikan him to always think positive . So in carrying out daily activities we must always think positive and try my best .


                The role of youth in nation-building is particularly important . Why do arguably very important , because the role youth can help provide opinions and fresh ideas to help development . We can see the developments taking place in the global world in any aspect of the development has been greatly improved . Bahka experienced rapid growth in the field of technology etc. . So now we can not rule out the role of youth development sdalam . Youth who have high motivation and willingness to work hard is one of the criteria that can promote the development of youth in our country . So therefore we senagai youth should be able to be the best in our country . Youth are able to develop and bring forward our country to be the best . Youth who can provide ideas and gasgasan important to advance this country so that people can prosper .

                Youth is the figure that should be able to change and bring in goodness , youth should dare to tell the truth , the youth should dare to work hard . There have been many successful young entrepreneurs Because unyielding , therefore from now on we must always think positive so as to provide a positive impact to the nation and our beloved country . To make forward our nation needed a strong young man capable of trying to be the best for the nation and our state . Sehinngga figure of youth can not be set aside in the construction of the development .


             Criticisms and suggestions can often be a stumbling block for people who want to achieve something . But it was actually criticism and suggestions that can make us become a better person , stronger , and became Understand the circumstances . Criticisms and suggestions may also be a suggestion to further motivate us to be the best , especially the best for us at this time . Let us take the example of large corporations who accept criticism and suggestions from customers . Companies that can accept criticism and suggestions from customers can be seen in quite some time that the company would be better , while the company can not accept criticism and suggestions from customers are slowly going the way place prosuknya or no increase .

             Why companies are not able to accept criticisms and suggestions will be more risky for the weak product increased . Perhaps because of a lack of self-awareness to compete sehinnga make products in production was not increased to make consumers and saturated with products so that there will be an option to try a product from another company that is always improving the quality of their products so that consumers always choose a product from his company . Probably from the above examples it can be concluded that if we always put the criticism and suggestions
as a motivation and aims to improve the quality of life that will make us better able to compete for what is intended to get well .            

              So do not be a criticism and suggestions as an obstacle in getting anything but make a high level of motivation to always try to be the best . Especially do not ever give up funding do not ever stop trying to be the best .

Safety tips in playing futsal (tulisan 6)

                In playing futsal much equipment we have to prepare . The aim is for the prevention of injury in the equipment to be prepared may consist of shoes , socks , deker , and may also make the goalkeeper gloves stairs . 

                Futsal is a sport which is currently quite popular from small children to teenagers who've grown . Not infrequently there is also a women futsal team . Therefore, the present era many mushrooming futsal field so as to create a new business pitch . Various types of indoor soccer field is also available at this moment there are berjenid synthetic vinyl etc.  There is rarely any futsal team prefers to play a certain type of field , so therefore many futsal field that provides a shared type futsal in one place in order the more easily to play futsal indoor soccer lovers . 

             One of the only reasons why futsal is favored because it started at least a large soccer field available , especially in the capital , other than that time also as one of the reasons . In playing futsal also consists only 5 people in 1 futsal team . Bebrbeda the football team when it takes 11 people in one team . But whatever sport you like the most important thing is we can preserve the condition of the body and maintain health with exercise .

regards healthy


               Mungkin kita sering mendengar orang berkata “,makan engga makan yang penting kumpul”. Dari kata-kata tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa dinegeri kita ini kebersamaan masih sangat dijunjung tinggi. Kebersamaan yang membuat kita semakin kuat, keberasamaan pula yang memnbuat kita menjadi orang yang sangat menyadari persaudaraan. Entah persaudaraan antara keluarga maupun yang lebih luas lagi yaitu persaudaraan dalam bangsa.

            Kebersamaa inilah yang dapat membuat Negara kita ini menjadi Negara yang damai dan tentram karena kebersamaan dapat disimbolkan sebagai persaudaraan. Kebersamaan inilah yang nantinya akan membuat Negara kita ini Negara yang semakin maju dalam berbagai aspek. Kebersamaan harus selalu ditanamkan oleh setiap individu agar kesadaran dalam bersaudara, bernegara, dan bertanah air dapat tercipta untuk memajuykan Negara kita ini.

            Rasa kebersamaan juga akan membuat kita merasa nyaman di negeri kita tercinta ini. Rasa kebersamaan akan menciptakan rasa aman sebagai warga Negara. Rasa kebersamaan akan membuat kiat menyadari indahnya persaudaraan. Rasa kebersamaan akan membuat kita menyadari akan pemtingnya hidup berdampingan. Dan rasa kebersamaan pun yang menciptakan kedamaian di negeri kita tercinta ini.